

After making close to #100,000 a day on WhatsApp alone. . . I  finally decided to reveal  a Very easy step-by-step guide i used to “turn my WhatsApp into a well-oiled, life-breathing money machine!!”

- No skill, knowledge, or expertise needed.

- You don’t need to have a product to sell.

- Even with a small network of people. 

Who is this for?

- Non-Business owners who are ready to sit down and comfortably make nothing less than #50,000 every month from the comfort of your home with just WhatsApp.

- Small business owners who would be happy to have a line of customers from WhatsApp banging on their doors every single day.

If you implement everything that I am going to show you, you will never have to worry about going broke again.

All the details in a minute, but let me tell you how it all started. 

August, 2008:

I had just left my parent to stay with my uncle at the tender age of 12

Almost not knowing what was in store for my future

Things were really hard and frustrating

I gave up on hope so many times

I managed to pass through secondary school and polytechnic with the help of my uncle and his wife 

In a bid to make money for myself, I tried so many things including sports betting, MMM, Ponzi schemes. . . I honestly can’t recall all of them

None of them worked

Anger and frustration set in

It was during my second year in polytechnic that my eyes opened up to some secrets 

I could kill myself for not knowing this earlier

I just started seeing things differently

I don’t take credit for discovering this secrets

It was just something that came to me

I have a personal name for it, it’s called J’Secrets

I was able to make my first five thousand naira (#5,000) in a single day after using J’Secrets

Small money right?

It didn’t end there

The following week I was grossing up to #7,500 a day for at least five days in a week

That month alone I pulled in #58,300 if I can remember vividly

You would say its small income goal, but back then it was a big deal for me

All this was just in my first month of using J’Secrets

After that month alone, I took the bull by the horn and I have never looked back

Now, why am I telling you the story of my life?

Honestly I don’t know

But maybe because I want you to know that it doesn’t matter if you are reading this from under a bridge where you live

You can add a few zeros to your current account balance if you know just how to move the money needle in such a way that you attract money to yourself without seeming to.

You see, 

Money is hardworking

Always working

In an imaginary world money is constantly changing hands and its doing so at the speed of light

Only those that have mastered the money game are rigging this system and attracting a lot of money to themselves while the rest of you gnash your teeth and say life is hard

Now listen, 

While you slept, at exactly 1am – 5am 

Thousands of transactions took place

Billions of naira changed hands

People woke up to series of credit alerts from their banks

What was really happening?

People were busy buying stuffs, selling stuffs, subscribing to things, registering for courses, paying for services. . .

Now, the question is this,

“How many of these credit alerts popped on your phone?”

4, 2, 1 . . . 0?

Okay, let’s say that you are a freelancer or business owner that gets paid periodically

How many credit alerts came to you in the last two days?

Maybe 5, 2 or none at all. . .

Where am I going to with this?

Stay with me

Think about this for a minute. . .

All the time that you have taken money from your pocket and given it away

What were you doing?

You must have either been exchanging it for something that you want or donating to a cause right?

Were you paying for a shoe, a course you registered for, a woman you invited overnight, your school fees, or the food you bought at Mama Nkechi shop?

Money was leaving your pocket in exchange of something that you really needed

In most of the cases, you didn’t really need something but money still left your pocket

Now imagine if everyone was turning to you and begging you to take their hard earned money in exchange for something that you have

There is no way you would not be receiving credit alerts like Facebook notifications

That brings me to say that. . .

” Knowing how best to make people take out money from their pockets and give it to you cheerfully is by far the best money making skill you can ever acquire”

So here is the deal

I am going to send you a report that would show you 

“how best to position yourself as a magnet that constantly pulls in money like a pumping machine using just WhatsApp alone.”

But why do you need to believe anything I say anyway?

After all you don’t know me

My name is Alao Johnson (DigitalHant)

I am a content creator and digital marketer

I have coached over 700 students how to leverage the internet to make money using only their smart phones

Before I grew my online business to where it is today

I was stuck at the same spot receiving the most ridiculous salary 

Until I discovered some secrets and strategies that gives me constant credit alerts

It all changed for me since that day

Left to me, I wouldn’t bother about putting this report together

I am doing just fine pulling thousands of naira from what I do

I make higher six figures every single month 

I could easily decide that I shouldn’t do this

But here’s why I am doing this

“I am passionate about helping young youths and business owners with zeal and goals to be the best they could ever be in a country that seeks to bring them down with unemployment, poor education, bad governance among others”

And so I have been able to put together this report where I show you easy and simple steps that I have used to consistently rake in nothing less than #100,000 from WhatsApp alone

And I want you to have a copy of the J’Secrets.

Before I send you a copy of this Guide, here’s little about what you will be learning from this Guide;

  • You will be learning strategies that has helped my students and I earn on WhatsApp even those that started building from scratch.
  •  My Strategy On How You can Grow your status views to at least 500 views in few weeks
  • How to make at least N50,000 montly on whatsApp
  • Ways to persuade both cold and warm audience, to receive daily credit alerts.
  •  I will reveal to you at  5 Profitable Business You can start On WhatsApp And Make lots of Money Right Now
  • How to make your audience  beg you to pay you their hard earned money with gratitude
  •  Secrets on how  to make people glue to your WhatsApp status updates
  • How to generate daily income from your WhatsApp status.
  • Myself proven strategies to getting participants for your Whatsapp trainings.
  • How to sell your skills, knowledge, experience, expertise and potential for money on WhatsApp even if you own physical business.
  • check
    MANY MORE...

If you would implement everything that I would teach you in this Guide, you will never have to worry about going broke again.

But that is not all, there is something else I would like to send to you once you agree to get this Guide, I would also send you 

#Bonus 1: Audio podcast On How to sell anything; this report would expose you to secrets to making your prospective customers give you their hard earned money for something as common as tissue paper.

#Bonus 2: Internet Marketing strategies;

#Bonus 3: How to Set-Up and Run Facebook Advert Worth (#3000)

#Bonus 4: How to design professional graphics with smartphone (Video Course) worth - N3,000

#Bonus 5: How to generate organic traffics (video course) worth - N2,000

#Bonus 6: Free eBooks worth N10,000.

#Bonus 7: Free teachings on my WhatsApp status...


Hear What NONTANDO from SOUTH AFRICA said About the Guide, She Even appreciated me with a gift after going through this Guide

How Much Does This Guide Cost ?

If you had all of these information, how much would you possibly slap on it?

Well, left to me

I wouldn’t collect anything less than #35,000 for this valuable information

But NO

I would never do that, instead if you decide that you want to get your hands on a copy of this Guide.

All you would be investing is #3,000 

That’s less than the amount of money you put into data subscription every month

Breaking that down, you would be investing #50 every day for 2 months

If you don’t see this as a better deal than going to bed everyday thinking of how you can see ₦2 Million on the floor

Then this is probably not for you

However, if you see the value in getting this information that can get you as much as #100,000 in a month, then this is for you.

#3,000 - #100,000

Think about what you can do with #50-100k coming into your account every month

Maybe you can invest in other streams of income

Start that business you have wanted to start

Assist your loved ones and family (most of us want to, but we don’t have money)

WhatsApp is a free app

While others don’t see the potential in it, you can be using that to milk money OFF it


I understand the condition of the economy so, I want to Give you Access to this Guide for just N3,000 instead of N35,000



Note: This is not a rich quick scheme. It would require hard-work like every other means of making money.

Everything I am offering you today is available to you within minutes of demanding this Guide


I understand the condition of the economy so, I want to Give you Access to this Guide for just N3,000 instead of N35,000



One more thing you need to know, 

If you don’t make a demand now, you might come back to see that the price has increased to #35,000 

As I plan to do that once I have gotten demands from at least 50 serious minded people.

As you are reading this, I already have 35 people already talking with my support team. 

The goal is financial independence, not financial dependence.




If after Implementing all what is written in these Guide and you didn’t get value

I will return your money with a written apology and add N2,000 to it to beg you for wasting your time.

I will apologize on my WhatsApp status with over 1000 viewers with your name attached to it.

I will stop bearing DigitalHant.

© 2021 WhatsApp Money Formula Course. All Rights Reserved

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